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Undergraduate Studies
The Department of English offers a four-year undergraduate program leading to the Bachelor of Arts degree. In addition, a Bachelor of Arts in Education with a major or minor in English is available through the Department of Curriculum, Instruction, and Special Education. Students with any major may also choose to minor in English. The department offers courses in American literature, African American literature, New Orleans literature, British, Commonwealth, and postcolonial literature, creative writing, professional writing and editing, and journalism. Cross-listed courses in Women's Studies, International Studies, and Africana Studies are also offered regularly. Other programs closely affiliated with the Department are the UNO Women's Studies Program and the Greater New Orleans Writing Project.
Graduate Studies
The Department offers both a residency and an online graduate program leading to the Master of Arts in English, which will be offered entirely online beginning in Spring 2023. Also at the graduate level, the Department offers the Creative Writing Workshop, an M.F.A. program with concentrations in fiction writing, nonfiction writing, playwriting, and poetry writing. Students may also pursue the M.F.A. in our online M.F.A. program. Online concentrations include fiction writing, nonfiction writing, and poetry writing.
Student Opportunities
We over several ways for students to be involved in our department, across campus, and beyond. Through various agencies, including our chapter of Sigma Tau Delta International English Honor Society, and our Midday Musings lecture series, authors and scholars are brought to campus for readings, classroom visits, and workshop instruction.
Learn more about Student Opportunities in Language and Literature
There are several extracurricular literary activities, including writing for Ellipsis, UNO's literary magazine.
Mobile Program Guides
Click below for phone-friendly guides to our Undergraduate English and Romance Language programs!
English Guide (mobile)
Romance Language Guide (mobile)