Brandon M. Taravella, Ph.D., P.E.
Professor, Graduate Program Coordinator
Jerome L. Goldman Endowed Professorship in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering II

PhD, NAME, University of New Orleans
MSc, NAME, University of New Orleans
BSc, NAME, University of New Orleans
Research Interests
- Hydrodynamics
- Biomimetic robots
- Hydroelasticity
- Ship stability
Honors and Awards
- B. Taravella (2009). A hybrid method for predicting lift and drag of semi-planing/semi-displacement hull forms. Ph.D. Thesis, University of New Orleans, College of Engineering.
- B. Taravella (2005b). Comparison of United States Navy and commercial guidance to a first principles approach for the fatigue design of surface ships. Master Thesis, University of New Orleans, College of Engineering.
- B. Taravella (2005a). Accuracy assessment of methods predicting dry dock block reactions. In Marine Technology, 42(2), SNAME.