Philip J. Harmelink, Ph.D., CPA

Ph.D., University of Iowa (1972)
Joined UNO faculty in 1979. Was Chairman of the Department of Accounting from 1990 to 2020. Served on faculties of the Universities of Cincinnati (1976-79) and Tennessee at Knoxville (1972-76). Visiting professor at the University of Texas (Austin) and the University of Iowa. Faculty fellowships with Arthur Andersen & Co. (1974) and Internal Revenue Service (1984) and staff accountant, Ernst & Ernst (parts of 1966, 67, and 68). Received American Taxation Association Outstanding Service Award (2001). Named “favorite professor” by UNO alumni (1998). Received UNO Department Chairman of the Year Award (1997); Society of Louisiana CPAs Outstanding Educator Award (later renamed Lifetime Achievement in Accounting Education Award) (1993); AMOCO Foundation Undergraduate Teaching Award, UNO (1987); University of Cincinnati Teaching Award (1978); and named Research Fellow, University of Tennessee (1975-76). Associate Editor, Journal of the American Taxation Association (1981-84). Member, Editorial Review Board, The Accounting Review(1982-85). Member, Editorial Board, Advances in Taxation (1993- ) and ad hoc reviewer for other journals.
Served on numerous committees of the American Accounting Association, the American Taxation Association, the Federation of Schools of Accountancy and the Accounting Programs Leadership Group. Board of Trustees, American Taxation Association (1987-88, 1991-92, and 1994-96). Served on numerous AACSB International Peer Review Teams for other Universities, 1998-present. Member AACSB Accounting Accreditation Committee, 2007-2010.Served on UNO University Senate, Graduate Council (1983-87), and on Research Council (1995-2000, 1987-92). Co-author of three textbooks: CCH Federal Taxation, Basic Principles, Advanced Topics, and Comprehensive Topics. Author or co-author of more than 110 articles that have appeared in Journal of Accounting Research, Journal of the American Taxation Association, Taxes, The Tax Advisor, Taxation for Accountants, The CPA Journal, Real Estate Law Journal, University of Kansas Law Review, University of Southern California Law Review, Oil and Gas Tax Quarterly, California Western Law Review, Tax Notes, Willamette Law Review, The Cato Journal, Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, Advances in Taxation, Journal of Taxation of Investments, Taxation for Lawyers, Practical Tax Strategies, CCH Financial and Estate Planning, Journal of Retirement Planning, and other journals.
Honors and Awards
Dr. Harmelink received the Business Professional of the Year Award, 2016 (the only award given by BAP in 2016 at the national level).